Tiny Honu Turtle Post Earrings



Tiny hatchling turtle post earrings! For turtle lovers and minimalist jewelry aficionados.

Honu (Hawaiian Green Turtles)

Honu are Hawaiian green turtles, and are a source of great joy for seasoned ocean lovers and newcomers alike.  For the ancient Hawaiians, they symbolised the navigator and mankind’s eternal connection to the land and the sea. Some legends talk about how honu guided the Polynesians to Hawaii. Others talk of a honu and honu’ea (the similarly threatened hawksbill turtle) as magical beings and protectors, and their daughter Kauila as the protector of children.

Baby honu are hatched from eggs laid by the mother on land. Sometimes the mother will swim hundreds of miles to return to her beach of birth in order to lay her eggs. Once out of their shells, the little honu are in danger until they grow bigger.  If they make it to the water, they begin a treacherous pelagic life on the open sea until they are big enough to return to the reef.  Out of thousands of eggs, very few turtles make it back to the reef. Once critically endangered, they’ve been protected in Hawaii since the late 70’s. Populations are only now making a come-back – although they are still threatened by fishing and pollution. Read more in our blog post.


The Tiny Honu Turtle Post Earrings are little hatchlings for your ears! Tiny and subtle, each is carefully fabricated, polished and finished by hand.


  • Tiny Honu measures approx 7 x 9 mm
  • Sterling silver or 18K vermeil
  • Bullet backs
  • Hand-carved, cast and fabricated
  • Lead and nickel free
  • Made in Hawaii
  • You may also like the sea star or seahorse studs
  • Find more information on vermeil in the blog and FAQ

Additional information


Sterling silver, 18K vermeil

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